

we are the ground
and the ground still wants
it hungers and screams
a demand we cannot oblige

we are the cage
paces reflected wall to wall
as standing waves and silence
us echoes of the exorcism

we are the door
the sound of plastic wrap foreboding
and entities clad in frowning
ever pouring the same questions

we are the salt
sweet smell of alcohol and chlorine
just solvents and agents and puzzles
we are all and one and none




only beyond the final edge
i realize, truly, i am
through many doors and motions
once more but never home

one thing after another
even unpacked they weigh
for i will always have to carry
the burden, the solitude, the joy

where else but elsewhere
while my mind remains adrift
one way or another i drown
ever the crushing silence

so i create a little bit of somehow
for comfort and survival
however hollow it may be
this, too, shall never pass
